- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde.
- Source: Northwestern International Institute of Nanotechnology
- Program: Seed funding
- Dates: 15Jan2024-14Jan2026
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde. Co-PIs: Neha Kamat (Northwestern University), Gregg Bekham (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
- Source: Department of Energy
- Program: Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research Program
- Dates: 1Sep2021-31Aug2024
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde.
- Source: Northwestern Trienens Center for Sustainability and Energy
- Program: Seed Funding
- Dates: 1Jan2024-31Dec2024
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde.
- Source: National Science Foundation
- Program: Co-funded by Environmental Chemical Sciences (Primary) and Environmental Engineering (secondary)
- Dates: 1Jul2021-30SJun2024
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: Department of Energy
- Program: Basic Energy Sciences, Geosciences Program
- Dates: 15Sep2020-14Sep2023
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation
- Programs: Co-funded by Cellular and Biochemical Engineering Program and Systems and Synthetic Biology Program
- Dates: 1Jul2020-30Jun2023
(CBET-1653092; CBET-2041669)
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation
- Programs: Co-funded by Environmental Engineering (primary) and Environmental Chemical Sciences (secondary)
- Dates: 1May2017-30Apr2022
(CHE 1709626])
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde; Co-PI: Deb Jaisi (U. of Delaware)
- Source: National Science Foundation
- Program: Environmental Chemical Sciences
- Dates: 1Aug2017-31Jul2020; no-cost extension: 1Aug2020-31Dec2021
- PI: Brian Richards. Co-PIs: Ludmilla Aristilde; Tammo Steenhius
- National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Dates: 1Jan2018-31Dec2020
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Dates: 1Oct2016-30Sept2019
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation–Environmental Chemical Sciences, Low-Temperature Geobiology and Geochemistry, and Environmental Engineering
- Dates: 1Aug2016-31July2019
- PI: Brian Richards (Cornell U.); Co-PIs: Ludmilla Aristilde (Cornell U.), Anthony Hay (Cornell U.), Rebecca Schneider (Cornell U.), Tammo Steenhius (Cornell U.).
- Source: Academic Venture Fund by the Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future
- Dates: 1Jul2015-31Dec2017
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: New York State Water Resources Institute and Department of Environmental Conservation
- Dates: 1Apr2016-31Dec2017
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Dates: 20Mar2013-30Sept2016
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation–Systems and Synthetic Biology.
- Dates: 1Apr2013-31Mar2014
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation–Extreme Environment in Science and Engineering (XSEDE) Supercomputing Facility
- Fields of Science: Biochemistry and Molecular Structure and Function
- Allocations: 480,000 SUs (time on LSU Cluster); 5,000 GB (Storage)
- Dates: 1Jul2015-30Jun2016
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Science Foundation-Earth Sciences Division, Instrument Grant
- Dates: 15Jul2014-31December2016
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Dates: 1Oct2017-30Jun2019
- PI: Taryn Bauerle (Cornell U.); Co-PIs: Ludmilla Aristilde (Cornell U), Larry Smart (Cornell U), Abraham D. Stroock (Cornell U).
- Source: Academic Venture Fund by the Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future
- Dates: 1Jul2017-30Jun2019
- PI: Ludmilla Aristilde
- Source: President’s Council of Cornell Women (PCCW) Affinito-Stewart Grant
- Dates: 1Jul2016-30Jun2017