Link to [Google Scholar]
List of [Student Theses]

Aristilde group members in bold.
*Corresponding author(s).


Hassanpour B., *Aristilde L. (2025) Metabolomics analysis of molecular structures in dissolved natural organic matter, submitted

Zhou N., Wilkes R.A., Chen X., Teiltel K.P., Belgrave J.A., Beckham G.T., Werner A.Z., Yu Y., *Aristilde L. (2025) Quantitative analysis of carbon and energy metabolism of lignin-derived phenolic compounds, submitted

Werner A.Z., Giannone R., Keller M., Plavchak C., Carper D., Abraham P., Wilkes R.A., Aristilde L., Salvachúa D., Williams S.K.R., Hettich R., *Beckham G.T., (2025) Pseudomonas putida produces distinct populations of membrane vesicles, submitted

Wilkes R.A., Miller T.E., Waldbauer J.R., N. Zhou, Dbiase B., Kamat N.P., Aristilde L., Beckham G.T., *Werner A.Z. (2025)
Engineered membrane vesicle production in Pseudomonas putida,


72. Basinski J.J., Bone S. E., Niyitanga Manzi A., Naderi Beni N., Tobias F.R., Sanchez M., Cheng C.X., Thongsomboon W., *Aristilde L. (2025)
Quantitative benchmarking of catalytic parameters for enzyme-mimetic ribonucleotide dephosphorylation by iron oxide minerals,
Environmental Science and Technology, in press.
doi: (e-pub 2025 Mar 4) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “Unlocking phosphorus to fuel plant growth”.

71. Gemeinhardt K., Jeon B.S., Ntihuga J.N., Wang H., Schlaiß C., Lucas T., Bessarab I., Nalpas N., Zhou N., Usack J.G., Huson D. H., Williams R. B. H., Maček B., Aristilde L., *Angenent L.T. (2025)
Toward industrial C8 production: Oxygen intrusion drives renewable n-caprylate production from ethanol and acetate via intermediate metabolite production,
Green Chemistry, in press.
doi: (e-pub 2025 Feb 13) [Link to Open Access Article]


70. Wilkes R.A.#, Zhou N.#, Carroll A.L., Aryal O., Teitel K., Wilson R.S., Zhang L., Kapoor A., Castaneda E., Guss, A.M., Waldbauer J.R., *Aristilde L. (2024)
Mechanisms of polyethylene terephthalate pellet fragmentation into nanoplastics and assimilable carbons by wastewater Comamonas,
Environmental Science and Technology, 58, 19338–19352.
# Co-first authors
doi: (e-pub 2024 Oct 3) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “Wastewater bacteria can break down plastic for food”.
—-The Washington Post, “Plastic-eating bacteria could combat pollution problems, scientists hope”.
—-American Chemical Society Science Releases, “Plastic-eating enzyme identified in wastewater microbes”.
—-Featured by French newspaper “Libération”, “Des bactéries mangeuses de plastique : l’espoir de chercheurs pour lutter contre la pollution”.
—-Feature article in “Chicago Sun Times”, “At this Northwestern professor’s lab, plastic-eating microbes show promise to gobble up microplastics in nature”.
—-Live interview in “WGN News Chicago”, “Research into Reducing Plastic Pollution”.

—-Featured in issue cover image

69. Basinski J., Bone S.E., Klein A.R., Thongsomboon, W., Mitchell V., Shukle J.T., Druschnel G., Thompson A., *Aristilde L. (2024)
Unraveling iron oxides as abiotic catalysts of organic phosphorus recycling in soil and sediment matrices,
Nature Communications, 15, 5930.
doi: (e-pub 2024 July 18) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “Minerals play newly discovered role in Earth’s phosphorus cycle”.
—-Northwestern Engineering News, “Minerals play newly discovered role in Earth’s phosphorus cycle”.
—-Chemical and Engineering News, “Natural minerals catalyze phosphorus cycling”.

68. Yoon H., Vega M., Wang J., Poulain A.J., Giometto A., Aristilde L., *Reid M.C. (2024)
Repression of microbial arsenite uptake and methylation by labile dissolved organic matter,
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 11, 838–844.
doi: (e-pub 2024 July 15) [Link to Article]

67.*Karim, A., Brown D., Archuleta C., Grannan S., Aristilde L., Goyal Y., Leonard J., Mangan N., Prindle A., Rocklin G., Tyo K., Zoloth L., Jewett M., Calkins S., Kamat N., Tullman-Ercek D., *Lucks J. (2024) Deconstructing synthetic biology across scales: A conceptual approach for training synthetic biologists,
Nature Communications, 15, 5425.
doi: (e-pub 2024 June 27) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “A new way to teach synthetic biology”.


66. Mendonca C.M., Waldbauer J., Zhang L., *Aristilde L. (2024)
Disproportionate carbon dioxide efflux in bacterial metabolic pathways for different organic substrates leads to variable contribution to carbon use efficiency,
Environmental Science and Technology, 58 (25), 11041-11052.
doi: (e-pub 2024 June 11) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “Soil bacteria respire more CO2 after eating non-sugar organic matter”.
—-Northwestern Engineering News, “Soil bacteria expel more CO2 after eating non-sugar organics”.

—-Featured in issue cover image

65. Klein A.R., Basinski J.J., Niyitanga Manzi A., Cheng C.X., Sanchez M., Thongsomboon W., *Aristilde L. (2024)
Phosphorus recycling by mineral-catalyzed ribonucleotide cleavage on iron and manganese oxides,
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 22, 2627–2633.
doi: (e-pub 2024 June 4) [Link to Open Access Article]

64. Wang J., Wilson R.S., *Aristilde L. (2024)
Electrostatic coupling and water bridging in adsorption hierarchy of biomolecules at water-clay interfaces,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (7), e231656912.

doi: (e-pub 2024 Feb 8) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-Northwestern University News, “Understanding how soil traps carbon”.
—-Mediapart, “Des molécules révèlent le secret des sols pour piéger le carbone”.
—-CBS News Chicago, “Northwestern University research sheds light on climate change by studying soil”.


63. *Osorio-Rodriguez D., Metcalfe K.S., McGlynn S.E., Yu H., Dekas A.E., Ellisman M., Deerinck T., Aristilde L., Grotzinger J.P., *Orphan V.J. (2023)
Microbially-induced precipitation of silica by anaerobic methane-oxidizing consortia and implications for microbial fossil preservation,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (51), e2302156120.

doi: (e-pub 2023 Dec 11) [Link to Article]

62. Casini I., McCubbin T., Esquivel-Elizondo S., Luque G. G., Evseeva D., Fink C., Beblawy S., Youngblut N. D., Aristilde L., Huson D. H., Dräger A., Ley R.E., Marcellin E., Angenent L.T., *Molitor B. (2023)
An integrated systems-biology approach reveals differences in formate metabolism in the genus Methanothermobacter,
iScience, 26 (10), 108016.

doi: (e-pub 2023 Sep 22) [Link to Article]

61. *Bechade B., Cabuslay C.S., Hu Y., Mendonca C.M., Hassanpour B., Lin J. Y.,Su Y., Fiers V. J., Anandarajan D., Lu R., Olson C., Duplais C., Rosen G., Aristilde L., Wetz J.T., Russell J. A., (2023)
Physiological and evolutionary contexts of a new symbiotic species from a nitrogen-recycling gut community of turtle ants,
The ISME Journal, 17, 1751–1764.

doi: 10.1038/s41396-023-01490-1. (e-pub 2023 Aug 09) [Link to Article]

60. Wilkes R.A., Waldbauer J., Carroll A., Nieto-Domínguez M., Parker D.J., Zhang L., Guss A.M., *Aristilde L., (2023)
Complex regulation in a Comamonas platform for diverse aromatic carbon metabolism,
Nature Chemical Biology, 19, 651-662.

doi: (e-pub 2023 Feb 6) [Link to Open Access Article]

—-News and Views in Nature Chemical Biology, “Mining microbial metabolism”.

—-Northwestern University News, “How waste-eating bacteria digest complex carbons”.


59. Solhtalab M., Moller S.R., Gu A.Z., Jaisi L, *Aristilde L. (2022)
Selectivity in enzymatic phosphorus recycling from biopolymers: Isotope effect, reactivity kinetics, and molecular docking with plant and fungal phosphatases,
Environmental Science and Technology, 56, 16441–16452.

doi: (e-pub 2022 Oct 25) [Link to Open Access Article]

58. Hassanpour B., Blair N., *Aristilde L. (2022)
Metabolomics analysis of unresolved molecular variability in stoichiometry dynamics of a stream dissolved organic matter,
Water Research, 223, 118923.

doi: (e-pub 2022 July 29) [Link to Open Access Article]

57. Cyle K.T., Klein A.R., Aristilde L., *Martinez C.E. (2022)
Dynamic utilization of low-molecular-weight organic substrates across a microbial growth rate gradient,
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 133, 1479-1495.

doi: (e-pub 2022 June 6) [Link to Article]

56. Moller S.R., Sakhno Y., Aristilde L., Blake R.E., *Jaisi D.P., (2022)
Evolution of oxygen isotopologues during enzyme-catalyzed isotope exchange reaction in phosphate and pyrophosphate,
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6, 1543–1551.

doi: (e-pub 2022 May 19) [Link to Article]

55. *Pogge von Strandmann P.A.E., Liu X., Liu C.-Y., Wilson D.J., Hammond S.J., Tarbuck G., Aristilde L., Krause A.J., Fraser W.T., (2022)
Lithium isotope behaviour during basalt weathering experiments amended with organic acids,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 328, 37-57.

doi: (e-pub 2022 May 5) [Link to Article]

54. Park Y., Solhtalab M., Thongsomboon W., *Aristilde L., (2022)
Strategies of organic phosphorus recycling by soil bacteria: Acquisition, metabolism, and regulation,
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 14, 3-24.

doi: (e-pub 2022 Jan 10) [Open Access Link to Article]

53. Li W., Wilkes R.A., *Aristilde L. (2022)
Effects of phosphonate herbicides on the secretions of plant-beneficial compounds by two plant growth-promoting bacteria: A metabolomics investigation,
ACS Environmental Au, 2, 136-149.

doi: 10.1021/acsenvironau.1c00030. (e-pub 2021 Nov 18) [Open Access Link to Article]

52. Glaser M., Richards B.K., Steenhuis T.S., *Aristilde L. (2022)
Phosphonate herbicide interactions with quartz, montmorillonite, and silt-loam agricultural soil: Molecular simulations and adsorption-desorption experiments,
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86, 209-223.

doi: (e-pub 2021 Nov 17) [Link to Article]


51. Wilkes R.A., Waldbauer J., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Analogous metabolic decoupling in Pseudomonas putida and Comamonas testosteroni implies energetic bypass to facilitate gluconeogeonic growth,
mBio, 12, e03259-21.

doi: (e-pub 2021 Dec 14) [Open Access Link to Article]

50. Kelch S.E., Ferrage E., Youngmann R.E., Basinski J.J., Wang J., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Quantitative spectroscopic analysis of water populations in the hydrated nanopore environments of a natural montmorillonite,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 26552–26565.

doi: (e-pub 2021 Nov 26) [Link to Article]

49. Park Y., Malliakas C., Zhou Q., Gu A., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Molecular coordination, structure, and stability of metal-polyphosphate complexes resolved by molecular modeling and X-ray Scattering: Structural insights into the biological fate of polyphosphate.
Environmental Science and Technology, 55, 14185–14193.

doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04782. (e-pub 2021 Oct 8) [Open Access Link to Article]

48. Klein A.R., Sarri E., Kelch S.E., Basinski J., Vaydya S., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Probing the fate of different structures of beta-lactam antibiotics: Hydrolysis, mineral capture, and influence of organic matter.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5, 1511–1524.

doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00064. (e-pub 2021 Jun 1) [Link to Article]

47. Solhtalab M., Klein A.R., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Hierarchical reactivity of enzyme-mediated phosphorus recycling from organic mixtures by Aspergillus niger phytase.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69, 2295–2305.

doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c05924. (e-pub 2020 Dec 11) [Link to Article]

—-Featured in issue cover image

46. Hassanpour B., *Aristilde L. (2021)
Redox-related metabolic dynamics imprinted on short-chain carboxylic acids in soil water extracts: A 13C-exometabolomics analysis.
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8, 183-191.

doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00922. (e-pub 2020 Dec 16) [Link to Article]


45. Mendonca C.M., Yoshitake S., Wei H., Werner A., Sasnow S., Thannhauser, T.W., *Aristilde L. (2020)
Hierarchical routing in carbon metabolism favors iron-scavenging strategy in iron-deficient soil Pseudomonas species.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 32358-32369.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.2016380117. (e-pub 2020 Dec 3) [Link to Article]

—-Featured by Northwestern University News, “Bacteria in iron-deficient environments process carbon sources selectively”.

44. Cyle K.T., Klein A.R., Aristilde L., *Martinez C.E. (2020)
Ecophysiological study of Paraburkholderia sp. 1N under soil solution conditions: Dynamic substrate preferences and characterization of carbon use efficiency.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86, e01851-20.
doi: 10.1128/AEM.01851-20. (e-pub 2020 Oct 2)
[Link to Article]

43. Tang Y., Aristilde L.. (2020)
Editorial overview: Analytical biotechnology in the era of high-performance omics, synthetic biology, and machine learning.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 64, iii-vi.
doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2020.02.004. (e-pub 2020 Aug 20)
[Link to Article]

42. Ankrah N.Y.D., Wilkes R.A., Zhang F.Q., *Aristilde L., *Douglas A.E. (2020)
The Metabolome of Associations Between Xylem-Feeding Insects and their Bacterial Symbionts.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46, 735-744.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Dec 18)
[Link to Article]

41. Ankrah N.Y.D., Wilkes R.A., Zhang F.Q., Zhu D., Kaweesi T. *Aristilde L., *Douglas A.E. (2020)
Syntrophic splitting of central carbon metabolism in host cells bearing functionally-different symbiotic bacteria.
The ISME Journal, 14, 1982–1993.
doi: (e-pub 2020 April 29)
[Link to Article]—-Link to Nature research community blog: An insect symbiosis with cancer-like metabolism.
—-Highlighted by the Cornell Chronicle: Two bacteria allow spittlebugs to thrive on low-nutrient meals.

40. Mendonca C.M.#, Wilkes R.A.#, *Aristilde L. (2020)
Advancements in 13C isotope tracking of synergistic substrate co-utilization in Pseudomonas species and implications for biotechnology applications.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 64, 124-133.
# Co-first authors
doi: (e-pub 2020 Mar 19)
[Link to Article]

39. Klein A.R., Barzen-Hanson K.A., *Aristilde L. (2020)
A non-derivatized method for simultaneous quantitation of proteinogenic, urea-cycle, and acetylated amino acids by liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 18, 229-235.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Aug 24)
[Link to Article]


38. Kelch S.E., Ferrage E., Lanson B., Charlet L., *Aristilde L. 2019.
Water Trapping Dynamics in Carbohydrate-Populated Smectite Interlayer Nanopores.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 28816-28827.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Nov 4)
[Link to Article]

37. *McBride M.B., Kelch S.E., Schmidt M., Zhou Y., Aristilde L., Martinez C.E. 2019.
Lead Solubility and Mineral Structures of Co-Precipitated Lead-Calcium Oxalates.
Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 13794-13801.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Nov 4)
[Link to Article]

36. Mendonca C.M., Reed M.L., Kukurugya M.A., *Aristilde L. 2019.
Adverse metabolic outcomes in soil Pseudomonas species exposed to polyethoxylated tallow amine and glyphosate.
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6, 448-455.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Jul 24)
[Link to Article]

35. Kukurugya M.A.#, Mendonca C.M.#, Solhtalab M., Wilkes R.A., Thannhauser T.W., *Aristilde L. 2019.
Multi-omics analysis unravels a segregated metabolic flux network that tunes co-utilization of sugar and aromatic carbons in Pseudomonas putida.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294: 8464-8479.
# Co-first authors
doi: (e-pub 2019 Apr 1)
[Link to Article]—-Highlighted on the Northwestern CEE homepage: Nutritionally Flexible Microbes.

34. Klein A.R., Bone S.E., Bakker E., Chang Z., *Aristilde L. 2019.
Abiotic phosphorus recycling from adsorbed ribonucleotides on a ferrihydrite-type mineral: Probing solution and surface species.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 547, 171-182.
doi: (e-pub 2019 Mar 26)
[Link to Article]—-Featured by the Cornell Chronicle: Scientists unearth green treasure – albeit rusty – in the soil.
—-Highlighted by Department of Energy, Science Daily, and several farming websites.

33. McBride M.B., Kelch S.E., Schmidt M., Sherpa S., Martinez C.E., Aristilde L. 2019.
Oxalate-enhanced solubility of lead (Pb) in the presence of phosphate: pH control on mineral precipitation.
Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 21, 738-747.
doi: 10.1039/C8EM00553B. (e-pub 2019 Mar 18)
[Link to Article]

32. Hassanpour B., Geohring L.D., Klein A.R., Giri S., Aristilde L., *Steenhuis, T.S. 2019.
Application of denitrifying bioreactors for the removal of atrazine in agricultural drainage water.
Journal of Environmental Management, 239, 48-56.
doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.029. (e-pub 2019 Mar 15)
[Link to Article]

31. Solhtalab M., Flannelly D.F., *Aristilde L. 2019.
Substrate binding versus escape dynamics in a pH-affected fungal beta-glucosidase revealed by molecular dynamics simulations.
Carbohydrate Research, 472, 127-131.
doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2018.12.007. (e-pub 2018 Dec 11)
[Link to Article]

30. Wilkes R.A., Mendonca C.M., Aristilde L. 2019.
A cyclic metabolic network in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 prioritizes the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and exhibits substrate hierarchy during carbohydrate co-utilization.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85:e02084-18.
doi: 10.1128/AEM.02084-18. (e-pub 2018 Oct 26)
[Link to Open Access Article]Preprint posted on bioRxiv, 402073. doi: (e-pub 2018 Aug 28) [Link]


29. Wushensky J.A., Youngster T., Mendonca C.M., *Aristilde L. 2018.
Flux Connections between Gluconate Pathway, Glycolysis, and Pentose-Phosphate Pathway during Carbohydrate Metabolism in Bacillus Megaterium QMB1551.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:2789.
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02789. (e-pub 2018 Oct 30)
[Link to Open Access Article]

28. Barzen-Hanson K.A.#, Wilkes R.A.#, Aristilde L. 2018.
Quantitation of carbohydrate monomers and dimers by liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry.
Carbohydrate Research, 468, 30-35.
# Co-first authors
doi: 10.1016/j.carres.2018.08.007. (e-pub 2018 Aug 12)
[Link to Article]

27. *Richards B.K., Pacenka S., Meyer M.T., Dietze J.E., Schatz A.L., Teuffer K., Aristilde L., Steenhuis T.S. 2018.
Antecedent and post-application rain events trigger glyphosate transport from runoff-prone soils.
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 5, 249-254.
doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00085. (e-pub 2018 Apr 23)
[Link to Article]

26. Okaikue-Woodi F.E.K., Kelch S.E., Schmidt M.P., Martinez C.E., Youngman R.E., *Aristilde L.. 2018.
Structures and mechanisms in clay nanopore trapping of structurally-different fluoroquinolone antimicrobials.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 513, 367-378.
doi: (e-pub 2017 Nov 8)
[Link to Article]

—-Featured in issue cover image


25. Youngster T., Wushensky J.A., *Aristilde L.. 2017.
Profiling glucose-induced selective inhibition of disaccharide catabolism in Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 by stable isotope labeling.
Microbiology, 163, 1509-1514.
doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000540. (e-pub 2017 Sept 28) [Link to Article]

24. *Aristilde L.,Guzman J.F., Klein A.R., Balkind R.J.. 2017.
Compound-specific short-chain carboxylic acids identified in a peat dissolved organic matter using high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Organic Geochemistry, 111, 9-12.
doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.06.006.(e-pub 2017 Jun 21)
[Link to Article]

23. *Aristilde L., Reed M.L., Wilkes R.A., Youngster T., Kukurugya M.A., Katz V., Sasaki C.R.S. 2017.
Glyphosate-induced specific and widespread perturbations in the metabolome of soil Pseudomonas species.
Frontiers in Environmental Science 5:34.
doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00034. (e-pub 2017 Jun 20)
[Open Access Link to Article]
—-Highlighted by American Agriculturist: Weed War may Wound Beneficial Soil Bacteria.
—-Featured by the Cornell Chronicle: Beneficial soil bacteria face a weed-killing threat from above.

22. Pochodylo A.L, Klein A.R., *Aristilde L. 2017.
Metal-binding selectivity and coordination dynamics for cyanobacterial microcystins with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Ca.
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 15, 695-701.
doi: 10.1007/s10311-017-0639-x. (e-pub 2017 May 24)
[Link to Article]

21. Wilkes R.A., *Aristilde L.. 2017.
Degradation and metabolism of synthetic plastics and associated products by Pseudomonas spp.: Capabilities and challenges.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 123, 582-593.
doi:10.1111/jam.13472. (e-pub 2017 Apr 17)
[Free Access Link to Article]

20. *Aristilde L., Galdi S.M., Kelch S.E., Aoki T.G. 2017.
Sugar-influenced water diffusion, interaction, and retention in clay interlayer nanopores probed by theoretical simulations and experimental spectroscopies.
Advances in Water Resources, 106, 24-38.
doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.03.014. (e-pub 2017 Mar 18)
[Link to Article]
—-Featured in Cornell Chronicle, “Sweet Compounds Aid Water Retention in Dry Soil”.

19. Pochodylo A.L., *Aristilde L.. 2017.
Molecular dynamics of stability and structures in phytochelatin complexes with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ca: Implications for metal detoxification.
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 15, 495-500.
doi: 10.1007/s10311-017-0609-3. (e-pub 2017 Feb 27)
[Link to Article]

18. *Aristilde L. 2017.
Metabolite labelling reveals hierarchies in Clostridium acetobutylicum that selectively channel carbons from sugar mixtures towards biofuel precursors.
Microbial Biotechnology, 10, 162-174.
doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12459. (e-pub 2016 Nov 22)
[Open Access Link to Article]
—Featured as “Highlight Article” in Microbial Biotechnology, “Metabolite labelling as a tool to define hierarchies in Clostridium acetobutylicum sugar usage and its relevance for biofuel production”.
—-Featured in Cornell Daily Sun, “Why Certain Bacteria Are Not So Efficient at Producing Biofuel”.
—-Featured in Cornell Chronicle, “Decoded Microbial Metabolism Explains Biofuel Yield”.

17. *McBride M.B., Frenchmeyer, M., Kelch, S.E., *Aristilde L. 2017.
Solubility, structure, and morphology in the co-precipitation of cadmium and zinc with calcium-oxalate.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 486, 309-315.
doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.09.079. (e-pub 2016 Sep 30)
[Link to Article]


16. Charlet L., Baham J., Giraldez J., Lo W., Aristilde L., Baveye P.C. 2016.
Éloge de la méthode: A tribute to Garrison Sposito on the occasion of his retirement.
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4:73.
doi:10.3389/fenvs.2016.00073. (e-pub 2016 Oct 28)
[Open Access Link to Article]

15. Pochodylo A.L., Aoki, T.G., *Aristilde L. 2016.
Adsorption mechanisms of microcystin variant conformations at water-mineral interfaces: A molecular modeling investigation.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 480, 166-174.
doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.07.016. (e-pub 2016 Jul 9)
[Link to Article]
—-Featured in The Cornell Daily Sun, Researchers Uncover Sediment Interactions That Filter Toxins in Freshwater.
—-Featured in Cornell Chronicle, “Sedimental journey: Scientists tackle toxin particle capture”.

14. Richter H.#, Molitor B.#, Wei H., Chen W., *Aristilde L., *Angenent L.T., 2016.
Ethanol production in syngas-fermenting Clostridium ljungdahlii is controlled by thermodynamics rather than by enzyme expression.
Energy and Environmental Science, 9, 2392-2399.
# Co-first authors
doi: 10.1039/C6EE01108J. (e-pub 2016 May 20)
[Link to Article].
—-Featured in Tech Beat, Biofuel Production Using Syngas Fermentation
—-Featured in Cornell Chronicle, “Biological wizardry ferments carbon monoxide into biofuel”.
—-This story was highlighted on Azo CleanTech Sustainability and Energy News and GlobalSpec Energy and Natural Resources News.

13. *Aristilde L., Lanson B., Miéhé-Brendlé J., Marichal C., Charlet L. 2016.
Enhanced interlayer trapping of a tetracycline antibiotic within montmorillonite layers in the presence of Ca and Mg.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 464, 153-159.
doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.11.027. (e-pub 2015 Nov 14)
[Link to Article]
—-Featured in Cornell Chronicle, Study: Antibiotics hide within mineral layers”.
—-This story was highlighted on Physics.Org Materials Science News and Technology.Org Science and Technology News.

12. Sasnow S.S., Wei H., *Aristilde L. 2016.
Bypasses in intracellular glucose metabolism in iron-limited Pseudomonas putida.
MicrobiologyOpen, 5, 3-20.
doi: 10.1002/mbo3.287. (e-pub 2015 Sept 16)
[Open Access Link to Article]


11. Flannelly D.F., Aoki T.G., *Aristilde L.. 2015.
Short-time dynamics of pH-dependent conformation and substrate binding in the active site of beta-glucosidases: A computational study.
Journal of Structural Biology, 191, 352-364.
doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2015.07.002. (e-pub 2015 July 6)
[Link to Article]
—-Highlighted by the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (CAC): Simulating Carbon-Cycling Enzymes. Also see CAC homepage.

10. Wei H., *Aristilde L.. 2015.
Structural characterization of multiple pyoverdines secreted by two Pseudomonas strains using liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry with varying dissociation energies.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 4629-4638.
doi: 10.1007/s00216-015-8659-5. (e-pub 2015 Apr 21)
[Link to Article]

9. *Aristilde L., Lewis I. A., Park J.O., *Rabinowitz, J.D. 2015.
Hierarchy in pentose sugar metabolism in Clostridium acetobutylicum.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81, 1452-1462.
doi: 10.1128/AEM.03199-14. (e-pub 2014 Dec 19)
[Free Access Link to Article]


8. *Aristilde L., Lanson B., Charlet L. 2013.
Interstratified layers from the pH-dependent intercalation of a tetracycline antibiotic within smectite clay layers.
Langmuir , 29, 4492-4501.
doi: 10.1021/la400598x. (e-pub 2013 Mar 25)
[Link to Article]

7. *Aristilde L., Sposito G. 2013.
Complexes of the antimicrobial ciprofloxacin with soil, peat, and aquatic humic substances.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 1467-1478.
doi: 10.1002/etc.2214. (e-pub 2013 Mar 1)
[Link to Article]


6. Aristilde L.,* Xu Y., Morel F.M.M. 2012.
Weak organic ligands enhance Zn uptake in marine phytoplankton.
Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 5438-5445. (e-pub 2012 Apr 12) [Link to Article]

5. Xu Y.., Shi D., Aristilde L., Morel F.M.M. 2012.
The effect of pH on the uptake of zinc and cadmium in marine phytoplankton: Possible role of weak complexes.
Limnology and Oceanography, 57, 293-304.
doi: 10.4319/lo.2012.57.1.0293. (e-pub 2012 Jan 16) [Link to Article]

4. *Aristilde L., Marichal C., Miéhé-Brendlé J., Lanson B., and Charlet L. 2010.
Interactions of oxytetracycline with a smectite clay: A spectroscopic study with molecular simulations.
Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 7839-7845.
doi: 10.1021/es102136y. (e-pub 2010 Sep 24)
[Link to Article]

3. Aristilde L., Melis A., Sposito G. 2010.
Inhibition of photosynthesis by a fluoroquinolone antibiotic.
Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 1451-1457.
doi: 10.1021/es902665n. (e-pub 2010 Jan 13) [Link to Article]

—-Featured in Environmental News of Environ. Sci. Technol., New mode of action for pharmaceuticals in the environment.

—-Featured in Discovery News Online, Earth News: Antibiotics inhibit plant growth.

2. Aristilde L., Sposito G. 2010.
Binding of ciprofloxacin by humic substances: A molecular dynamics study.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29, 90-98.
doi: 10.1002/etc.19. (e-pub 2009 Sep 25) [Link to Article]

1. Aristilde L., Sposito G. 2008.
Molecular modeling of metal complexation by a fluoroquinolone antibiotic.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 103-109.
doi: 10.1897/08-059.1. (e-pub 2008 Jun 11) [Link to Article]


Technical Report
1. Rabinowitz J.D., Aristilde L., Amador-Noguez D. 2015.
Metabolomics of clostridial biofuel production.
Technical Report, SC0006839. United States Department of Energy, doi:10.2172/1213974. (e-pub 2015 Sept 8) [Link].