August 2023: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: Norah, Rohan, Nanqing, Lynna, Rohan, Aurore, Pandeeswari, Tyler Rebecca, Haklae, Eva, Jade, Marcos, Nasrin, Prof. Aristilde.
October 2021: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: (back row) Bahar, Caroll, Rebecca, Allison, Jiaxing, Ojaswi; (front row) Prof. Aristilde, Hayley, Yeonsoo, Jade, Cynthia, Mina.
May 2021: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: (first row) Jade, Caroll, Wenting, Rebecca; (second row) Tyler, Sabrina, Yeonsoo, Bahar; (third row) Jiaxing, Michael, Wiriya, Mina; (last row) Prof. Aristilde.
March 2020: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: (front row) (front row) Wenting, Jade, Mina, Anna, Wiriya, Yeonsoo, Bahar, and Prof. Aristilde; (back row) Tao, Michael, Caroll, Sabrina, Rebecca.
May 2019: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: Ellie, Prof. Aristilde, Yeonsoo, Brudget, Shreya, Michael, Annie, Chang, Ananya, Caroll, Rebecca, Sabrina, Mina, Irene.

November 2018: Celebration Time: Prof. Aristilde Has Received Tenure.
The group went out to dinner to celebrate the tenure promotion of Prof. Aristilde.
September 2018: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: (front row) Bridget, Yeonsoo, Mina, Irene, Prof. Aristilde; (middle row) Caroll, Ananya, Shreya, Ellie, Anna; (back row) Annie, Sabrina, Rebecca, Chang, Michael.
April 2018: Profile of Prof. Aristilde in Cornell Ezra Alumni Magazine–The mystery of carbon recycling
Prof. Aristilde was recently featured in the Cornell Alumni Magazine: The Mystery of Carbon Recycling.
April 2018: Aristilde Group Photo.
From left to right: (back row) Sara, Sabrina, Reid, Annie; (middle row) Yensoo, Ananya, Anna; (front row) ina, Caroll, Rebecca, Prof. Aristilde
December 2017: Secret Santa Group picture. This is our fifth annual secret santa of gift exchanges at the end of the year using items already in our homes or craft-created gifts.
From left to right: (back row) Trevor, Irene, Anna, Ludmilla Aristilde, Rebecca, Caroll, Annie; (front row) Rebecca, Mina, Reid.
September 2017: Aristilde Group Photo
From left to right: Caroll, Mina, Rebecca, Ludmilla Aristilde, Anna, Sabrina, Krista, Sean, Annie, Reid, Irene.
May 2017: Aristilde Group Photo
Front row: Zoe Maisel, Mina Solhtalab, Anna Klein, Irene Sarri
Middle row: Ludmilla Aristilde, Rebecca Wilkes, Caroll Mendonca, Krista Barzen-Hanson, Valerie Katz
Back row: Julie Wushensky, Sabrina Kelch, Tracy Youngster, Paloma Spina, Reid Balkind.
February 2017: Aristilde Earns NSF CAREER Award to Explore Chemical Trapping in the Environment
CALS NEWS has a feature story on the NSF CAREER award recently won by Prof. Aristilde: Link to full story
January 2017: Research on Selective Biofuel Production from Organic Mixtures in the Cornell Daily Sun
Research findings on the metabolic traits responsible for selective routing of organic substrates to biofuel production in clostridial species highlighted in the Cornell Daily Sun: “Why Certain Bacteria Are Not So Efficient at Producing Biofuel“. Link to full story
January 2017: Tech Beat Highlights Research Findings on Syngas Fermentation
In the January 2017 issue, Tech Beat features research findings from a collaborative research with the Angenent Group. See full article Biofuel Production Using Syngas Fermentation
December 2016: Group picture with our “secret santa” gifts in hand. This is our fourth-annual gift exchanges at the end of the year using items recycled from our homes. We all look forward to this every year.
From left to right: (front row) Valerie Katz, Julie Wushensky, Anna Klein, Zoe Maisel; (back row) Ludmilla Aristilde, Fanny Okaikue-Woodi, Paloma Spna, Rebecca Wilkes, Caroll Mendonca, Sabrina Kelch, Tracy Youngster
October 2016: The Cornell Daily Sun covers our theoretical work on microcystin fate
Our theoretical work on mineral capture of different microcystins in response to aqueous chemistry in the Cornell Daily Sun: “Researchers Uncover Sediment Interactions That Filter Toxins in Freshwater“. Link to full story
September 2016: Research on microcystin-mineral interactions in the Cornell Chronicle
Our theoretical work on mineral capture of different microcystins in response to aqueous chemistry in the Cornell Chronicle: “Sedimental Journey–Scientists tackle toxin particle capture“. Link to full story
July 2016: Research findings on Bacterial Conversion of Carbon Monoxide to Ethanol in the Cornell Chronicle
Research findings from our collaborative research with the Angenent Research Group are highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle: “Biological Wizardry Ferments Carbon Monoxide into Biofuel“. Link to full story
May 2016–Stephen Galdi honored Prof. Aristilde at the Merrill Scholar Award luncheon.
Stephen Galdi (middle), one of the 33 Merrill Presidential scholars of the 2016 graduating class, honored Prof. Aristilde as the faculty who had the most influence on his undergraduate experience. Also pictured is Frank Barona (left), the high-school teacher Stephen honored as most influential to his education prior to Cornell.
Stephen’s statement on Prof. Aristilde: “From the first class I had with Professor Ludmilla Aristilde in Riley-Robb Hall, I could tell she had high expectations for her students. This is not to say that Professor Aristilde was a difficult professor, but rather that she had confidence in her students’ ability to conquer and learn from challenges. Over the two years that I have worked with Professor Aristilde’s research lab, her confidence and encouragement have been inspirational. I developed many important research skills through our research meetings, as well as the confidence and academic literacy to continue pursuing my interest in the environmental field”.
April 2016: The Aristilde Research Group in Cornell Featured Research
Dr Aristilde and the Aristilde Research Group are featured by the Cornell Office of the Vice Provost for Research: Processes We Can’t See in the Environment“. Link to full story and photo highlights
Photo credit: Jesse Winter, Cornell OVPR.
Spring 2016 Group Photo
From left to right : Fanny Okaikue-Woodi, Paloma Spina, Michael Reed, Matt Kukurugya, Valerie Katz, Ludmilla Aristilde, Tracy Youngster, Stephen Galdi, Juan Guzman.
Photo credit: Jesse Winter, Cornell OVPR.
April 2016–Our computational work on carbon-cycling enzymes featured by the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing
Our computational work on “Simulating Carbon-Cycling Enzymes” is highlighted on the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) Homepage.” See Cornell CAC Link and Article link
February 2016–Story on our research in the Cornell Chronicle: Antibiotics hide within mineral layers
Our research is highlighted in the Cornell Chronicle: Antibiotics hide within soil mineral layers“. Link to story
December 2015 Last group meeting of the year. We had our annual secret santa where we “secretly” exchange items recycled from our home
From left to right: Fanny Okaikue, Paloma Spina, Stephen Galdi, Ludmilla Aristilde, Matt Kukurugya, Juan Guzman, Michael Reed.
Fall 2015 Group Photo
From left to right: Michael Reed, Paloma Spina, Stephen Galdi, Matt Kukurugya, Fanny Okaikue, Juan Guzman, and Ludmilla Aristilde.
Spring 2015 Aristilde Group Cookout with Friends
May 2015–Thalia Aoki and Prof. Aristilde pictured with Cornell President David Skorton at the Merrill Scholar Award Ceremony.
Thalia Aoki (middle), one of the 35 Merrill Presidential scholars of the 2015 graduating class, honored Prof. Aristilde as the faculty who had the most influence on her undergraduate experience. Article in the Cornell Chronicle and Article in CALS Notes.
Thalia’s statement on Prof. Aristilde: “As a nervous sophomore, I knew nothing about soil chemistry and was scared to admit what I didn’t know. Under Professor Aristilde’s guidance, I learned to ask questions and seek out answers. In striving to meet her expectations, I became a proactive, dedicated worker who could shape a story about my research. Through her example, Professor Aristilde showed me that I can succeed as a woman of color in engineering. Her mentorship gave me the skills to do so”.
Spring 2015
From left to right: (Back row) Sho, David, Stephen, Matt, Johnny; (front) Ludmilla Aristilde, Thalia, Paloma, Michael.

Dec 2014–To celebrate the end of the semester and Hua Wei’s final group presentation, we had a diverse/delicious potluck and exchanged home-made secret santa gifts.
From left to right: (Back) Hua, Matt, Sho, David, Stephen, Ed, Kate; (middle) Fanny, Thalia; (front) Ludmilla Aristilde, Paloma.
Fall 2014
From left to right: (top row) Hua, David, Matt, Stephen, Johnny, Sho, Ed; (bottom row) Ludmilla Aristilde, Thalia, Fanny, Paloma, Kate.
September 2014–Dr Aristilde is featured on the Cornell College of Engineering Homepage
Faculty Spotlight
Dec 2013–During the last lab meeting of 2013, gifts were exchanged
From left to right: (top row) Sam, David, Thalia, Michelle, Amy, Hua; (bottom row) Sho, Rachel, Ludmilla Aristilde.
Spring 2013–PeriodiCALS article features Prof Aristilde and Prof Hay
Dr. Ludmilla Aristilde was recently featured along with Dr. Anthony Hay in the Fall 2013 issue of periodiCALS as the “Detox Duo”. Check out the article.
This special issue, Complementary Angles, brings together several pairs of faculty members from across the Cornell campus who are working on the same challenges but from different disciplinary angles.
Fall 2013 Ithaca Falls
From left to right: (top row) Ludmilla Aristilde, Amy, Sam, Hua, David; (bottom row) Thalia, Rachel, Michelle, Sho.
Fall 2013
From left to right: (top row) David, Hua, Michelle; (bottom row) Samantha, Ludmilla Aristilde, Amy